Need an expert witness for a cybersecurity case?

Joseph Steinberg's decades of distinguished experience in numerous areas of cybersecurity and related fields, coupled with his reputation as an objective, independent, and top-notch cybersecurity expert, make him an ideal choice as an expert witness for cybersecurity cases. Steinberg has served in many technical roles from a hands-on cybersecurity engineer to running an entire technology department including responsibility for information-security functions. He invented cybersecurity products used by millions of people, and remains one of only about two dozen people worldwide to hold the suite of advanced information security certifications, CISSP, ISSAP, ISSMP, and CSSLP, indicating that he possesses a rare, robust knowledge of information security that is both broad and deep.

Steinberg has also helped attorneys prepare for trials and determine the merit of possible cases, and has written highly convincing expert reports.

As the author of the book used by many Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) to train for their certification exams, he is intimately familiar with best practices and various legal issues related to cybersecurity. Simultaneously, his experience writing the best-selling book, Cybersecurity for Dummies, demonstrates his ability to resonate with non-technical audiences.

To contact Joseph Steinberg about serving as a cybersecurity expert witness please visit his website at